After making Mega Man progressively flashier all the way up to MM8, Capcom goes back to its roots with this WiiWare/XBLA game. Maybe MM10 will take this style too. Capcom's notorious for cashing in a little too much on new trends and making tons and tons of sequels.
It really annoys me that Mega Man X And Mega Man 10 are different, personally.
Well, they're using X as a letter, not a number.
Yes, I do, and I've made it to the final part of the final boss and he killed me and I wanted to hang myself but it's all good because it's tough love.
Ayup. It also has downloadable content, though, like the ability to play as Protoman for 200 points and challenge levels and all that jazz. It's all pretty sweet, really.
What I'm trying to say is I think that $2 for what amounts to an entirely new game is a good price, saying otherwise is a matter of opinion not fact, so on, so forth.