Okami? EPIC WIN. One of the best Wii games I have next to Mario Galaxy and Taiko no Tatsujin Wii. Better than Twilight Princess in the sense that it wasn't half as boring, had way better music and an interesting Japanese folklore kind of story.
Thanks for appreciating a masterpiece. I knew you'd come through :)
Yeah. Once you get into the Ark of Yamato, you won't be able to go back. And once you finish the game, you'll have to start over(with all your treasures and stray beads still intact, of course. Plus a few extra goodies)
And I just totally beat the game wait crap that was just like a prologue wow I suck.
Though I get the feeling it's not "just the beginning" as Issun implied 'cause there's only four more brush thingies left. And I was hoping that Orochi wasn't the actualy final boss, 'cause I was like, whoa, crap, I'm missing a TON of stuff.
Okami's story is awesome in the sense that after you've finished one bit, there's always another part when you least expect it. And you already know who and what the final boss looks like through Tatsunoko vs. Capcom...
BTW, the first Orochi battle is just an appetizer. You actually have another two thirds of game to go. Wait, make that three quarters.