Well, a nearby neighborhood has closed its schools here, it might be only a mater of time. I heard from some people in Mexico that, since two people have died on their street alone, the pandemic is worse than anyone's saying (according to them, anyway).
Oh come on stop being whiny world. The only that have died are people in Mexico - which, honestly, has one of the weakest governments and health care systems on Earth - and a baby that was already sick.
People die of the flu all the time. This strain will likely be no more or less dangerous than any of those.
Premise 1: johny139 has never gotten the flu. Premise 2: Only idiots don't get sick. Conclusion: johny139 is an idiot and not superhuman.
On an unrelated note, I'm an idiot because I continue to work or attend class even when I'm burning at 40 degrees Celcius. I am not kidding. I really do.
Clear enough for y'all?
"There are no coincidences, only inevitables." ~ Yuuko Ichihara "It's not that it happened by chance. You just don't know the reason." ~ Me