...and it's an amazing game. Hard at first, but once you get the hang of the rhythm and patterns, it becomes very quick and easy. Definitely a must own for any Wii owner. Probably my second favorite game on the console.
There's... there's no online. Come on now, there doesn't need to be online to make a good game. Punch Out should remain single player. Leaderboards would be nice, though.
I'm actually hoping the expand on the Vs. Mode in the future. It's a boxing/puzzle game - though it wouldn't be any more than a tacked-on extra, I wouldn't mind it's inclusion, PARTICULARLY if you could play as your opponents.
WHOO I GOT MINE EARLIER TODAY! I burned through the Minor and Major Circuits before stopping for a break because I was freakin' tired.
It is an EXTREMELY well done game. The gameplay is virtually perfect, the challenge is just right (so far, at least), and it's just plain fun to play. From the voices to the graphics to the music... it's just a good game in every sense of the word.