I still boot it up occasionally. Surprisingly the frequency of the 'error' during Wi-fi has gone down a lot. I still get pwned by people with over 9000 VP though(no, this is not a meme) :P
I never got it, actually. I never play Mario Kart multiplayer, and the single-player sounded like hell, so after I missed the initial wave I just never bothered.
From vat I played deshou, 1. Mario Kart Wii (online!!!) 2. Mario Kart Double Dash (Character items & 2 characters!) 3. Mario Kart DS (MutharFuceking hackers!!!)
I've seen tons of hackers in DS, but only once on Wii. The guy spammed the Bullet Bill and got to the finish line in the time it took the rest of us to cross one lap. Asshat.
I think Mario Kart DS is the... second game I've ever lost. That and Pokemon Leaf Green. And I think I lost Mario Kart DS because it didn't really come with a box - I got it in a bundle, so it just had this crappy little box thingy and it must have fallen out or something.
The only games I've ever lost that come to mind are Mario vs. Donkey Kong and Metroid Prime: Hunters. I think hunters was stolen though. Waste of perfectly good theft if you ask me.