[Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than 1,000,000,000,000 letters.] = [Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than kabajillion letters.]
[Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than 1,000,000,000,000 letters.] = [Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than kabajillion letters.] = [Please teach CRAZ1ah his numbers. he must know how to read numbers.]
[Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than 1,000,000,000,000 letters.] = [Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than kabajillion letters.] = [Please teach CRAZ1ah his numbers. He must know how to read numbers.] = [Please teach DG his letters. He must know how to read words.]
[Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than 1,000,000,000,000 letters.] = [Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than kabajillion letters.] = [Please teach CRAZ1ah his numbers. He must know how to read numbers.] = [Please teach DG his letters. He must know how to read words.] = [Please teach CRAZ1ah how to tell if someone can read words. He clearly cannot tell if someone can read words.]
[Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than 1,000,000,000,000 letters.] = [Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than kabajillion letters.] = [Please teach CRAZ1ah his numbers. He must know how to read numbers.] = [Please teach DG his letters. He must know how to read words.] = [Please teach CRAZ1ah how to tell if someone can read words. He clearly cannot tell if someone can read words.] = [Please learn how to teach people in need. It must be shorter than 30 seconds.]
[Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than 1,000,000,000,000 letters.] = [Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than kabajillion letters.] = [Please teach CRAZ1ah his numbers. He must know how to read numbers.] = [Please teach DG his letters. He must know how to read words.] = [Please teach CRAZ1ah how to tell if someone can read words. He clearly cannot tell if someone can read words.] = [Please learn how to teach people in need. It must be shorter than 30 seconds.] = [Please declare this topic EPIC LULZ. It made certain people roll on the floor laughing.]
[Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than 1,000,000,000,000 letters.] = [Please enter a shorter comment. It must be shorter than kabajillion letters.] = [Please teach CRAZ1ah his numbers. He must know how to read numbers.] = [Please teach DG his letters. He must know how to read words.] = [Please teach CRAZ1ah how to tell if someone can read words. He clearly cannot tell if someone can read words.] = [Please learn how to teach people in need. It must be shorter than 30 seconds.] = [Please declare this topic EPIC LULZ. It made certain people roll on the floor laughing.] = [Please make DG think of another joke. DG can think of 0 jokes.]