Alright, I'm giving Slyfur two days to respond to my PM; assuming catfan doesn't respond, I'll just decide myself, and we can go on with it. At that point I'll just send the instructions to Mr. Pikaby, who'll whip up some images and make an announcement and it'll all be good. I'll probably start on a Sunday... or maybe Monday.
BUT! Some questions first. A) Should I make it one battle a day, or every other day, or what? B) Does anyone want a crappy internet prize? I could probably pull something out of my ass.
Nobody is being very supportive right now, so do what you think you can do, johnny. IMO, a battle should last more than one day. We have less than 5 active users per day, and that's saying a lot.
Yeah, but at one match a day, this entire thing will likely last AT LEAST two months. Every other day and it'll be four. Once every three days... I don't even want to go there.
Which is my problem. Do I want this to last too long, or not get enough votes? I guess I'll just do every other day. Maybe with a break on Sundays. So that's three matches a week. Good number, eh?
Oh, and in case anyone's curious, it's all going to be in one really really long thread, or maybe one thread for every round and a single post within them for every match.
Pikaby's working on some images right now - he'll be done sometime soon, so I'll open a discussion topic then on... ehh... either March 30th or April 6th I'll start the tournament officially.
Nah, I think we'll be fine with multiple threads in one forum. Here's how I intend for it to go. I'll have a single main thread, which links to all the other threads - this one, the pre-game thread, the various game threads, and the discussion thread (mebbe?) - along with all other necessary information. I think that could probably use a Sticky for the game's duration, if you don't mind.
Now, each game thread - one for each round - will have a single post for every match. There'll be a fancy picture and start/end times and all that. Now, everyone would vote - AND ONLY VOTE - then we'll have the next match and so on until the round ends and we start the next one.
Now, people will be able to discuss the entire thing in an off-topic discussion thread, if that's alright. You know to keep things from being cluttered - you know, make bets, chat about the current match, that kinda thing.
All threads will be locked and archived once they're done - this one included.
Does that seem alright? I mean, we don't really need the discussion thread; it's just to keep the actual game threads cleaner.