Hibernate Kirby: Sleeps longer than Sleep Kirby, but is invincible to enemy attack
Nightmare Kirby: Randomly happens when you eat a sleepie dude. Kirby falls asleep, but has a nightmare and runs around, out of your control, attacking enemies and going bat**** insane. While invincible, of course.
Hibernate Kirby: Sleeps longer than Sleep Kirby, but is invincible to enemy attack
Nightmare Kirby: Randomly happens when you eat a sleepie dude. Kirby falls asleep, but has a nightmare and runs around, out of your control, attacking enemies and going bat**** insane. While invincible, of course.
Zelda Kirby: Has Zelda's magic Link Kirby: Looks like the Link Kirby from Brawl but he shoots arrows, uses the Master Sword, and has a Clawshot/Double Clawshot.
~Fur ^^(^ ^)^^ ANGEL KIRBY! Leave. Now. Before I'm forced to release the cats.
Zelda's Magic and Din's Fire is the same category. :roll:
I know. Kirby should be allowed to use Din's Fire in Brawl instead of crappy Nayru's Love. DIN'S FIRE ROOLEZ
Emoticon Kirby: Looks like the circular emoticons you see on your left when you're posting. Has tons of cute facial expressions that do different things.