Please refer to question 4 in our RBOAQ (Rarely But Occasionally Asked Questions)
Q. *pays DG $14.99*
Now what happens?
A. That depends. In order to ensure this payment is received by K5S correctly, you must hand-carry it to our headquarters on the moon and make sure the secretary stamps it with a blue stamp and then files it under G-H 02. Then, the file will go down a chute into a dumpster. Retrieve it from there and show it to the K5S arena master on the 99th floor. He's an orc, so it should be easy to find him. He will then challenge you to a dual on the 100th floor, which is the roof, and remember we are in outer space. Anyway, defeat him, and he will read the paper. If it is wrinkled or stained, it is not considered legible. It must be written in Orcish in order to be processed. He may or may not bother to do anything after reading your paper, we take no responsibility for his actions.
The restaurant is infested with rats, and only the sheer greatness that is Uncle Toadstie can exterminate them. First, Uncle seduces them into following him into a back room with the words "Out Keep" written on the door in big, bold, black letters. Inside, he then masturbates inside of the rats' mouths, poisoning the little vermins. He then duct tapes them to the wall, clothes pins' their eyes open, and forces them to watch "Rosie Live" for 24 hours looped.
Hello again loyal K5S customers! Please be patient while we transition to K5S 2.whocares, which will feature a variety of new features, such as the closures of every single location*. Additionally, almost all of our employees will be fired and then re-hired again**. Customers who experienced issues reaching the drive up window will be happy to hear that there will also be a service window remodel. The new model will be more visibally appealing and feature expanded advertising space on all four sides of the window***. Also, our menu is recieving a cut for budgetary reasons. The new menu is as follows:
Kirby Five Star Restaurant
Since 800 B.C.
With this budget cut, we were finally able to order the mechanical T-Rex mount for the STEAMPUNK DINOSAURS arena expansion! Pirate fans need not worry, however, as all of the contents of the planned Pirate expansion have been added to the STEAMPUNK DINOSAURS expansion as a free bonus, with the exception of a few problematic mechanics****. Thank you!
*...of competitor's restaurants! (this does not include any K5S restaurants!) **Rehiring is not optional. ***The front of the window counts as part of the left side of the window.
****The list of excluded Pirate Expansion items are as follows:
Peg Legs
-- Edited by DestinyGuy on Tuesday 28th of April 2009 12:34:41 AM