I always thought you should be able to just ride your pokemon around the city. It'd be like the wild west, only instead of horses, there are big pokemon. Instead of guns, there are pokeballs (?). Instead of alcohol, there are berries.
I know a few fanmade MMOs, but Nintendo would never make a Pokemon MMO. If you remember the Junichi Masuda interview which I posted(about not releasing a mainstream Pokemon Wii game), the same interview also has Masuda saying they'll never make one of those as it's 'against the spirit of Pokemon, playing and interacting together and having your Pokemon on the go'
I guess its the portability? Or the real life interactions? Those are both nice. But I wouldn't mind a switch in target audience. Let's face it, little kids LOVE pokemon. But I don't think they're the majority of actual Pokemon customers. A Pokemon game aimed at slightly older kids would probably do really well. Or is that a ad idea...?
Very ad idea. You have NO idea how popular Pokemon continues to be - in America, it's still simmering with the kids after a decade. In Japan, Pokemon > Astro Boy. THAT'S HOW FREAKIN' BIG IT IS. A Pokemon game for an older audience would fail miserably.