It's capcom... They sometime suck, and sometimes their awesome! FAIL = Just go hear Megaman Star Force 3's voice acting in ENGLISH they SUCK!!! compared to the japanese ones! They could have just sticked with the japanese voice acting considering what they say ARE THE SAME!!!
The Japanese version of Knights in the Nightmare had English voices, the original ones, and they stuck to those. The converse should be the same.
A lot of Japanese people complained that it had so much english, it was difficult to play. Heh. Plus, using english voices in the japanese version guaranteed we'd get some engrish. And we did.
Watching North American TV shows like South Park. I haven't been watching creepy-ass anime that I can barely understand just because the plot makes no sense.
Oh, yeah - evidently, for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom they needed to replace most of the music 'cause they couldn't get the rights, they're going to add three or four new characters, and WiiSpeak isn't prepared for online but who knows they still might.