Well, I don't know if I like it better than Squirtle or Charmander, ya' know? I mean, it wins points for having a ****ing BULB on its back, but they're all cute as starters and ugly as evos.
Squirtle - My first, my best, and my favorite. My #1 Pokémon of all time, not just starter.
Chimchar - The first time I had ever started a game without a Water-Type was with Chimchar - 'cause burning kung-fu monkeys are AWESOME.
Bulbasaur - I've never actually used one, but my friend did, and he was MUCH better than me, so I've always had an irrational amount of respect for the Bulbasaur line.
Treecko - It's badass. I mean, most starters are awesome or cool or cute or whatever, but Treecko is one of the few that's badass from start to finish.
Chikorita - It's very basic, but, well, it's adorable and I just can't refuse that.
Mudkip - I had some good times with my Mudkip in Sapphire. Personality-wise I've never been a big fan, but, well, they're good and tough.
Totodile - Though I had one back in the Gold/Silver days, I've never had much affinity for it. Is it awesome? Yeah, but it's booooring, too.
Turtwig - Very inventive, but I haven't ever really used one, so, I dunno. I'll probably end up picking it for Platinum (whenever I may get it), so, don't be surprised if he climbs the rankings.
Charmander - Meh. Never been a big Charizard fan... so I'm middle-of-the-road on the Chars.
Piplup - Cute, and the final Water/Steel combination is REALLY cool, but... I dunno. It just doesn't "wow" me, and it's come to be quite overrated, really. Maybe I just dislike popular things.
Cyndaquil - I also have virtually no experience with the Cyndaquil line, so I'd imagine that's why he's down so low. Maybe I should give him a spin sometime.
Torchic - Blaziken is ug-ly, and Infernape is my Fire/Fighting of choice, so Torchic gets the shaft this time around.