I'm sure there's other places on the internet to read stuff illegally.
And I'm already planning to buy the manga... Pokemon Platinum + Volumes 1/2 off of Amazon is only about $50, so I'll probably pounce on that. After I get One Piece: Season Two, Second Voyage of course.
This website has six more scans from the same group, up to the end of Volume 8 I believe: http://www.mangaupdates.com/groups.html?id=685
Haven't poked around any further, though.
And I've just made it to the super-special team-up part of the Yellow Arc (y'all know what I mean) and MAN I'm now a total Bill fanboy. Honestly, he's just so lame/cool! And I think he's had an appearance of SOME KIND in "main" game so far, so, yay him.